~ Ascension Guidance ~ Recalibrating in the “New” Light ~ 7th Final Uranus Pluto Square ~ Equinox ~ Solar Eclipse

P.S: I wrote new in quotation marks,  because this Light is not really new, we are very familiar with it, it just hasn’t been present on Earth for a while.

Greetings, Fellow Masters!

The past week has been very intense and challenging for many. As I have stated in my previous message Equinox: Standing in your Truth, we are being pushed by the current energies to release everything that no longer serves us. Things that were buried deep within, on a cellular level even, came to the surface in order to be transcended. This has a lot to do with Uranus Pluto Square which we are now very familiar with, because this is the 7th one since June 2012. Its purpose is to assist the transmutation of the old, whatever that means for each individual, but now especially on an emotional level because of the Pisces energy. The Uranus Pluto Sqaure is a catalyst for our metamorphosis into Divine embodiments of Pure Source. Uranus’s energy is all about liberation/freedom, a changemaker, combined with Pluto’s energy which is all about empowerment and pushing us from behind to take the necessary steps towards really making the changes we want to is exactly what the collective needs and needed for the past 3 years. Pause for a second and reflect upon how much you’ve shifted in the last 3 years.

The Uranus Pluto Square definitely played a major role in the collective awakening and will continue to do so in a chain reaction effect, however because this is the last one from the Uranus Square Pluto Series, it left me with a feeling of completion of a cycle and new beginnings. I’ve been having a feeling of “job well done, peeps!” for a few days now, I’ve even had a dream about celebrations the other day. We’ve passed and are still passing through many initiations into self-mastery during this period of time which gives a feeling of true fulfillment and at the same time a feeling of new beginning, which is definitely what’s happening collectively and individually as well, all in alignment with each person’s journey/experience and Soul purpose.

I feel like a major theme that’s been going on in the collective energy lately that’s very connected to the Uranus Pluto Square is the theme of loss (loss of individuality, loss of relationships and in general loss of anything that doesn’t serve you anymore). People find this theme extremely difficult to deal with and I can understand why, yet in Truth there is no loss, there is only resistance to change. Think about it for a second, let that sentence sink in and absorb how it fits in your experience, if it does.

There is no loss, eventhough it might seem like there is in the moment. There’s a lot of fear around the loss of individuality, which is really unnecessary because no one’s losing their individuality in the process of Ascension. Yes, We are all One, we are All Source, yet at the same time we each are a different and unique facet of Source. We are individual Souls. What gives a sense of loss of individuality is the transcendence of outdated perceptions, perspectives, dysfunctional mind patterns and belief systems about yourself, but let’s not confuse that with loss of individuality, that’s different. When you transcend that social programming, you are actually in the process of re-discovering your true unique essence, your personal energy signature. You don’t lose your “individuality”.

Being in the Oneness energies, in Unity Consciousness will probably give some a sense of no individuality as well, because you realize there’s no boundaries, no separation between us and you realize that we are very beautifully inter-connected, it’s a “You are me, I am you.” sort of realization. All this is true, but at the same time, as I have stated above, we are individual Souls as well. Best example I can use to hopefully bring some clarity is a diamond and its facets. We are unique facets of Source, as diamond’s facets. That’s the image that comes into my mind now, ponder upon it for a second.

Same goes with relationships and other things that might seem like you’re losing. It is simply the natural order of life, some people leave our space, new ones may come in, while some always stay in true divine companionship. We can’t “lose” a person because we’re all very inter-connected. If a person leaves your space, trust that it is for the greater good of both, flow with it, don’t resist it.

This leads to another theme that’s been brought into my attention lately ~ divine companionships. These companionships will be related to divine service. They may be new in this lifetime, but these connections are not new, they are ancient. So, it’s more like re-discovering some very deep connections with certain individuals with whom you have been in divine service for a long time and this will continue to be so. They will be assisting your growth and vice versa and your Soul purposes will intertwine one way or another. In Unity Consciousness, this will happen naturally as you allow it to, simply observe how this joyful experience unfolds.

In this period we’re all undergoing a very profound recalibration, however that expresses itself to each individual. This recalibration is very connected to the Equinox and the Solar Eclipse, which are both “coincidentally” happening on the 20th of March. These two events are going to assist us with moving forward to the next phase of our Soul purpose and Divine Plan, this is especially significant for the Forerunners of Ascension, the “first wave” of Ascension, as some may call it. There is a lot of fire energy present these days as well, which is igniting and fuelling our deepest passions and urging us to follow our Hearts in that area.

That dim voice who’s been whispering in your ear some information about the direction in which you could go ? It’s Spirit Guidance. Have you been ignoring it ? If so, take a few moments to reflect on it a bit. Many are receiving downloads and guidance about the direction they should go now. Spirit is constantly showing us our what’s for our highest good and benefit, but what’s really important is for us to acknowledge, act upon it and take the steps towards creating and manifesting that in our lives. This will all flow naturally, if you allow it to, but at the same time you have to own your power as a co-creator being and make the Heart-felt choices and decisions you feel guided to. This is a very important facet of self-mastery. Trust and Faith are your bestfriends.

The recalibration has also to do with more people disconnecting from the lower grids and connecting to the Higher Unity Grids. Most of the Forerunners are connected to it and many more are to come, we are now holding the space for others to grow and mature on more levels and become the Divine Humans we all are. This will impact our collective reality greatly, as these internal shifts will culminate into a more joyful and harmonious co-existence. Eventhough it might not look like it in the moment, know that Humanity’s headed towards Peace at an accelerated pace. Peace is the Divine Plan and we’re all here to accomplish it. This Solar Eclipse combined with the Equinox energies has a very potent energy to take us one step closer to that.

The light codes/downloads are coming in intensely, so as usual it is highly recommended to stay present and grounded, in order to process and integrate them smoothly. You can use this time to set out clear intentions about that which you want to create and become a walking embodiment of it. As you can see, all these events are very beautifully and divinely orchestrated in a way that serves our greater good. Rejoice!

Have a wonderful day/week and Happy Equinox/Solar Eclipse!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,

Eddie ~ Via Unity Consciousness


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