Tag Archives: soul purpose

~ Ascension Guidance Message ~ Equinox: Standing in your Truth

Greetings, Fellow Masters!

Due to the fact that the Spring Equinox energies are already “up in the air,” I feel guided to point out a few things that are important to be aware of as we go through this very potent gateway. As always, during such powerful events there is a lot of energy movement, so you might have to take “extra” care of yourself, as in make sure you stay grounded/connected, centered and hydrated.

The areas where we might still be holding some resistance are being brought to the surface these days, until they will be dealt with and released. This is happening based on our Soul choices, growth and for our greater good. Try not to get too serious about this releasing work and make a big deal out of it, cause it is not. It is merely a natural process we have to go through in order to transcend into a more harmonious state of being. I think the best way to approach these moments of release is through a playful manner.

 The Ascension process is much more than releasing/cleansing, this is merely a very tiny part of it, so it’s important to not get stuck on focusing more than we should on this releasing work. Overtime and in my sessions as well, I’ve noticed that because of the constant focus on releasing and a constant “there’s always something wrong with me” attitude, people create more experiences that reflect their focus. There needs to be a shift in focus and perspective as well. We can shift easily, quickly and with grace, you just have to allow yourself to do so and flow with it.

Over the course of history many philosophers said that “A wise person knows he knows nothing.”. I don’t disagree, I understand why they said that, but at the same time I think a truly wise person knows himself and knows his Truth and at the same time is open to new understandings and higher Truths.  As we progress on our journey, our Truth is most likely to change as well. For example, at some point we might discover a higher truth that overwrites something we’ve known as Truth before. Those Truths were both true and both valid in the moment, but each truth corresponded to a different level. That is why it’s important to keep our minds and hearts open and constantly let go of things that are not of resonance anymore in order to make room for the new ones, because when we “level up” our perceptions and perspectives change.

When we live through our Soul, this happens naturally and effortlessly, but at the same time, we have to know and own what we know to be true and become an embodiment of it, “walk the talk” as they say, without trying to force our Truth on others. First of all, because it won’t work. Each person has its own journey and we have to learn to respect it and give them space to discover what is Truth for them. I know many lightworkers tend to force their understandings and knowingness on their family/loved ones, but it’s pointless and most of the time it’s causing exactly the opposite of what you intended, which is confusion and negative reactions, so you’re doing them and yourself a disservice. The best you can do is to try to “plant seeds” if you are so guided, but at the end of the day their Higher Self chooses when it’s best for them to remember and awaken to who they are. The power of example is much more effective than forcing your truth on them.

The Truth theme is big part of what’s going on in the collective energy right now. Personally, me, my Higher Self and my Team have tested me often in that area. We have been challenging me in my Truths for two primary reasons: to either assist me in overwriting an outdated one that no longer serves me, or to fully integrate and embody an existing one on a deeper level. I am pretty sure many of you can relate to that and some of you will experience and are experiencing tests like that these days.

Often times our discernment is challenged by others around us as well, so make sure you always check within, with your own inner compass, your heart, your own guidance. Let’s say, for example when reading this article don’t take everything I wrote as truth, if it resonates with you it’s basically just a confirmation of what you already know in your Heart. If it doesn’t resonate that’s perfectly fine, simply move on. We have to learn to respect each other truths and differences in general and don’t let these differences become walls between us. We did that in the past and the outcome of it was an illusionary separation and all that came with it. All for a reason, all for a purpose, but Now that we are over it, we have to make heart based choices. 

 Truth is always found within. Everything you will ever need to know is within you. Yes, along the way you can learn things from the outside, use the outside to confirm things you already know in there somewhere, but at some point you reach a certain level that allows you to know and to fully trust your own Heart and Soul wisdom at all times. That’s when you truly start living as a Soul empowered individual.

This Equinox article will be continued in a second part. I hope you have a wonderful day/week and talk to you soon!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,

Eddie ~ Via Unity Consciousness


The Bridge to Freedom Website: http://thebridgetofreedom.org 

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~ Ascension Guidance Message ~ Initiations into Self-Mastery ~ Dream Visions ~ Upgrades

Image: www.webzeest.com

Greetings, Masters!

Recently, there have been quite a few intense body changes that allowed expansion to happen in a way that we are now being able to hold more and more Light within our physical body. More specifically, the High Heart Chakra, which is where the merging with our Higher Self happens and the Throat Chakra have received a few upgrades and I know many of you have felt this happen in your own way. This “new” influx of Light is definitely getting us ready for the next level.

This goes hand in hand with two dreams I’ve had the other day, which I felt were very significant not only for me, but for all Forerunners. The first dream was about creating form. I was creating and playing with the shapes, then I would telekinesize (new word, apparently I’m rewriting the English vocabulary LOL) the objects I could find into the room I was in, which was quite fun. I remember feeling very playful.

This dream however, was my mind’s interpretation of the latest DNA activations. This is really about the fact that we will discover new skills and abilities that were latent before, I don’t mean that we will start telekinesizing stuff (well, who knows? LOL), but as in discovering our true Soul gifts. These activations, as everything else, will slightly differ from individual to individual.

Some of you will find new creative ways to express yourself with these “new” skillsets or moving them up to a higher level, some of you will develop “new” abilities which are connected to your passions and Soul purposes. We are really kicking it up a notch, I am feeling it and it is super exciting. Many of you are quite busy on the inner planes now, which will be reflected in your dreams, but also in your day to day lives. What’s being “learned” on the inner planes is being manifested in your daily lives through your I AM presence. All this is basically meant to guide you towards reaching higher states of being in physicality and all that implies and to create with your Beingness.

The second dream was about me and a few others that I did not recognize as someone I know in this lifetime, but I knew who they were at the same time, on a Soul level.  We were at the house where I grew up and we were learning how to baptize each other from books. I remember someone baptizing me with a very pure crystalline water. It’s a good representation of the Unity Consciousness (Christ Consciousness) and also of how I felt all week.

 It feels like there’s a sense of renewal in the air and well that’s what spring is all about, but also it’s about the celestial alignments and gateways we have coming up in March. There’s a very powerful and potent Full Moon in Virgo coming up on the 5th of March, and I’m feeling it’s all about renewal and transforming into a new upgraded aspect of ourselves.

This dream was another representation of the Initiation into self-mastery, which the Forerunners have been going through lately, becoming anew (the baptism).  I have spoken before about tests and challenges and how they are not supposed to be perceived as impediments on our path, bring you down or make your life miserable. They are meant to facilitate your transformation, expansion and growth as an Ascending Master of the Earth.

So, next time you find yourself in challenging situations, observe yourself. Respond, don’t react. In those moments, no matter the situation, there are two timelines: You either freak out over it, or you take a step back and observe that current situation through the eyes of an empowered individual with a heightened awareness. There’s no wrong or right way. If you freak out, good, acknowledge whatever your reaction to that situation is, feel it all, be authentic and honest with yourself, don’t be too hard on yourself, learn what there is to be learned and move on, don’t stay in that place. It’s simply not the best place to be in.

Next time choose to respond differently through the eyes and wisdom of your heart. Practice and persistence are your friends. You will find that there is always a way for you to maintain a vibration of Joy, even in the most challenging waters. You have all the assistance you can think of, your Ascension Team is always with you offering their unconditional support, yet they do need your permission to assist. ~ All is well!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,

Eddie ~ Via Unity Consciousness


The Bridge to Freedom Website: http://thebridgetofreedom.org 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBridge2Freedom

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~ Ascension Guidance Message ~ You can do Magic! ~ New Moon in Aquarius


Hello, Fellow Masters!

I am writing my message a bit later this week, because things have been quite chaotic, but Divinely Orchestrated nonetheless. Surrendering to the flow and embracing the Unknown with Faith and Trust in our Hearts, is definitely a big theme Now and in the coming weeks. Surrendering to the flow is a bit misunderstood by some people though. Surrendering means accepting that sometimes things don’t always happen as you expect them to, yet they always happen in alignment with your highest good and highest interests. That is why it’s better to live with no expectations and navigate through life with an open mind and heart in order to recognize your own creations, surrender to change and embracing the unknown with fearlessness. You can ask for assistance with all of this as well, your Ascension Team will gladly help facilitate this process.

I want to point out that surrendering doesn’t mean being passive and wait for some magical thing to happen outside of you, to you. You are the one creating that magic. You can do magic, as the song below says. Waiting for some sort of event or situation that will solve all of your perceived problems will make the waiting endless, a lot like a dog chasing its tail. From a neutral point of view, that’s fine, as it is your own choice and it is not bad or good, yet before making any choice ask yourself, is this for my highest good ? How do I feel about this ?

Sometimes we are being tested, or better said, we are the ones testing us by placing ourselves in certain situations to observe how we choose to react or respond in that moment. Consider it like an initiation, which some of us are undergoing right now. They are initiations into Self-Mastery. These tests aren’t graded as they are in school, because there is no failing, there is no better or worse, there is no competition. All there is are observations and opportunities for self-improvement, growth. We’re the teacher and the student at the same time. Now these are fun-filled tests!

We are constantly creating in the Now moment, so as always, keep your intentions clear on that which you want to create for yourself and what you want to bring into the world. You can always do simple yet powerful daily exercises, “practices” such as visualizations, affirmations, whatever fits you best. At the end of the day however, our Being is the Magic that creates our reality, it’s not only the mind, it’s not only the heart, it’s our Whole Being. ~ Our Consciousness. Know your Potential and Power as a Co-Creator, which implies taking responsibility for your own creations as well.

That which I have written above describes very well the energy of yesterday’s New Moon in Aquarius as well, which I can still feel. New Moons, in general, give me a sense of completion of a cycle and birthing the New. This one makes no exception, but at the same time each New Moon has a different energy signature and effect on the collective consciousness and on an Individual level as well. This one is all about our Soul Purpose and receiving New insights and Spirit whispers that are guiding us towards that.Blue_nocturnal_by_neshad

So, it’s most recommended to take a few moments for yourself during these times to meditate, integrate and become more aware of the direction in which you want to take. At the same time, being fully present in the moment of Now is as good as a meditation, because with our presence in the Now, comes the awareness.

What do you do with these New insights about your Purpose you’re receiving ? Do you choose to take action and follow that direction ? Or do you ignore it ? Ponder a moment on these questions. I feel it’s important to let go of unconscious limitations in this area. Sometimes we think that our Heart’s desires and dreams are not achievable and they may seem too far-fetched, but that limitation and all limitations in general are a product of an over-active mind. As a Source spark and an empowered individual, you can achieve anything you put your Heart and Soul into and it all starts with an intention. 😉

As always stay present, centered and grounded. There is an infinitely abundant supply of Joy and Happiness available in that state of being. All is well ~ I hope you have a fantastic week!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,



Click Here for the Ascension Guidance/Energy Healing Sessions

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~ Ascension Guidance Weekly Message ~ 2 – 9 February ~ Full Moon ~ Expansion ~ Soul Connections

Via Unity Consciousness

As you all are probably aware by now, we’re still in the purging period, that is filled with opportunities for expansion and  growth. Sunday, 31 January, we’ve experienced a major release in the collective, but individually too, of course. I’m not sure if it’s because the monthly cycle ended (January), but the 31th felt like the climax of these cleansing energies. This was followed by transformation, I found myself facilitating the transformation of old stuff, including ancestral and family-related unnecessary baggage and I’ve observed other people around me doing the same. I feel like the overall theme was transforming dysfunctional relationships patterns.

As I have said before, Now is the best time to fully let go of all those wounds we’ve been carrying around with us unconsciously. Whatever it is, approach this process with your newly acquired awareness and through the eyes of self-love. Forgive where forgiveness is necessary. Compassion is your best buddy. Remind yourself that whatever happened in the past it was all for good reasons, all in agreement with your Soul as always. You know what they say, “ What happened in the Illusion, stays in the illusion. “ *wink wink nudge nudge* LOL 

With all that being said, soon we will find ourselves moving on from this transformative period, more upgraded and ready for the new adventures ahead of us, each in their own divine pace. The full moon in Leo on the 3rd of February will definitely assist us moving forward with our Soul purposes. Oh wow, I looked outside the window just now and there’s a huge moon halo, well now that’s some synchronicity, especially since I’m a Leo in the astrological zodiac. I can’t take a picture cause my phone camera’s quality is not that great, but it looks just like the picture below.

Anyways, this Leo energy is as all about Passion, Love, Courage, Power and relationships. It is one of those times to come clear with intentions and ask yourself what are you really passionate about ? What is important for you right now ? If it’s not clear already, this is an auspicious time to discover. Courage is necessary for you to follow your passions and dreams, no matter how impossible they might seem to you now. They are at the tip of your fingers, you simply have to acknowledge that, grab them and start creating from that space. As an empowered individual, you know that you have all the Power and all you will ever need within you to create what you always dreamt of. Don’t ponder on the details of how that will happen, details don’t really matter. All that is needed is a conscious choice and all will flow from there, as we allow it to.

But also, keep in mind that sometimes things don’t happen as you want them to happen. Our Soul knows what’s best for us on the long term, sometimes we catch up with all that later. If something really isn’t working out for you, don’t be afraid to change it, whatever that is. Change comes naturally anyways, but there needs to be a conscious choice to move forward as well. As always, use your Inner compass ~ Soul guidance to navigate through all this and explore. When you find your true passions, you find your Soul purpose, as they are not separate, they are interconnected.

The Sun in Aquarius is such a good balance for the Full Moon in Leo, a balance between inner-outer. Relationships will expand and will take shape, new Soul connections will form, some people will leave your space, new ones will come, it’s just the natural order. Simply be open and enjoy these Soul connections. There is so much beauty in them, it’s like the sunlight reflected in the grass after the dew fell over it on a summer morning, the cherry on top of the cake and you get the idea. LOL We’re gonna find ourselves experiencing deeper heart connections with certain beings, than we have experienced before. But also with the All, as we remove illusionary veils of separation and will keep doing that, the feeling of Oneness reaches new levels. 

Overall, it seems like this week is going to be like a breath of fresh air, as well as this whole entire month.

Have a fantastiboo week and Happy Snow Moon!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,



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