Tag Archives: weekly message

~ Ascension Guidance Weekly Message ~ 13 – 20 January

January seems to come with many surprises, and I am still in awe that it’s only been 12 days of 2015. We have experienced some huge shifts in a really short period of time. Around January last year, till March, some of us were called to “plant seeds” for the Era of Love that is unfolding now, amongst a lot of transformation and transmutation. This year seems like we are doing the same, but we’re more focused on the manifestation aspect of the New and there are far more awakened people than before. This is all multi-dimensional.

If in the past few weeks, even months, things seemed a bit too chaotic, from now on everything will flow easier and fall into place. As you shift within, it will also be reflected outward, so just trust that wherever you are Now and wherever you are headed is in alignment with your highest good and highest interests. Feel it with your Heart. Isn’t it so ?

 Whenever you are in doubt or confusion, go back within your Heartspace. Stay centered, your Soul knows what’s best for you. You know what’s best for you. Don’t sabotage yourself with toxic thoughts and emotions anymore, leave that behind if you haven’t already. It’s unnecessary baggage. Soar Now in your newly found Freedom and Harmony with the knowing that things are just as they should and always will be.

Usually before I sleep, I take a few moments to relax and meditate. The other day when I was doing that, I was being showered – literally – with a lot of golden/rainbow-ish energy. As usual, I was anchoring and grounding all of that into the Earth. During that, I saw a vision of Gaia blowing me a kiss in the shape of an Emerald Green Heart. That was so beautiful. The image above looks a lot like my vision except there was a lot more Emerald Green in it.

It was her way of expressing her gratitude and appreciation for assisting her and anchoring such harmonious energies, while I was holding the same gratitude and appreciation for her ever-loving and nurturing aspect. It was such a beautiful energy exchange going on, I still feel it. I carry this uplifting feeling within me Now. Also, she keeps sending me her beautiful Nature messengers to guide me on my own path, confirm things for me in mind-blowing synchronous ways. Just the other day I was seeing 3 flocks of storks flying high in the sky, it is not even their period of migration, I was really in the right moment at the right place to observe their flight. Their message was clearly all about “birthing the New,” and I am truly grateful and humbled by the gifts I am being given in the form of Nature Messengers.

Many other birds as well, such as blackbirds who keep chillin’in front of my window, I have talked about the significance of all this in the ascension update I posted the other day. You can check it out here if you want to. – Ascension Update: Rainbow Activations, Ouroboros and Nature Messengers 

That night I was working on the Inner Planes a lot with Mother Mary as well,  the Mother Consciousness plays a big role in grounding these energies with ease.

I want to emphasize on grounding since it’s so important these days for many reasons:

   ~ The obvious Light codes that are incoming and the new waves of energy, which is not very “new,” it’s more that we’re able to tap into that Now, because the vibrations of the Earth and also of the Collective are visibly a lot higher than they were even a few weeks ago, well even yesterday. Also to benefit from these magnificent energies and experience their full effect, grounding is necessary.

  ~ There are also some Grid upgrades going on. It’s actually about more people awakening and embodying their Soul essence in physical incarnation, and so when that happens, the Grids are adjusting to that, resulting in even higher vibrational grids. This will obviously have a big effect on our Collective and Individual choices and events ~ Expect Miracles.

Here’s a simple grounding exercise I shared a few weeks ago:

„ With this occasion, I want to share a grounding exercise I do. Since the cold weather is here, in the Northern Hemisphere, most of us won’t be able to go in Nature very often or place our bare feet on the ground, without feeling like we stepped into the fridge. This is a simple but very helpful visualization exercise.

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths (this will also get you centered). Visualize yourself standing with your bare feet on a field, mountain or river etc. and your energy body becoming visible. Feel it. See a thread going from the root chakra, through your legs, feet chakras, earth star chakra and into Earth’s Core. Spend a few moments feeling it, feeling your connection with Gaia.tumblr_n65cdi1fDW1ttzaedo1_1280

Then visualize another thread from the Root going through all of your chakras: Crown, soul star chakra, the godhead chakra and straight into the Galactic Central Sun. Feel the connection to the Universe/Source.  I do this simple exercise as often as I can. „

P:S: Don’t worry if you can’t visualize all that well, at the end of the day it’s about feeling it really.

I want to point out that even these energies are more harmonious and gentle, if you have things you need to release and let go of, these waves will bring the unhealed parts of you to the surface, so you can transform it in Love and with Love ~ only to reach a deeper state of joy and happiness. The 11/1 gateway/portal/however you want to call it, really did challenge some of us to transform and transmute some internal/external conflicts.  As always, it’s all for your highest good. If you feel like there’s something holding you back from soaring, take a few moments to relax, call upon your Teams to assist you with clearing and transmuting all of that. Feel it. What is it ? What’s causing you discomfort ? Observe. Be honest and true to yourself always.

Sometimes others will act as triggers and mirrors for the stuff that you need to let go of, which are often perceived as “negative” in the moment. In truth, you have asked to be joyful and happy, isn’t it so ? How would we F.L.Y (First.Love.Yourself) if we carry heavy baggage within that needs to be let go of? The experience it is for you to acknowledge that which you might not have been aware of before. That is exactly the reason you and the other person/people made that certain agreement. We heal each other, eventhough sometimes it looks like the opposite of that. Things are not always what they seem to be.

As always, call upon your Teams(or whoever you are comfortable with) and invoke the Violet Flame/Saint Germain to help you transform and transmute all that no longer serves you. Or use your own methods to get this done. Whatever works for you in the moment is perfect. Discover.

Remember ~ All is well and always will be.

Much Love,

Eddie ~ The Bridge to Freedom Crew Member

You Can Click Here for the Ascension Guidance/Energy Healing Sessions

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Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBridge2Freedom

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebridgetofreedom/

~ Ascension Guidance Weekly Message ~ 10 – 17 November

           These past weeks and even months, you might have found yourself releasing old baggage, that you thought you already released, or you did not even know it was there in the first place. You’ve found yourself being sad, irritable, frustrated, fearful, angry, confused etc. It Is important to know and understand that this is all normal and you are not the only one who has been experiencing this. Don’t be hard on yourself for some words you might have said to others during this period, or for the words someone might’ve said to you during this period. Do not take anything personally. These are all lessons and opportunities for you to learn to master yourself(your emotions, your thoughts etc.). Invoke the Violet Flame as often as you can. It is our best tool to transform low vibrational energy into higher vibrational energy. You can call upon Saint Germain for assistance. He’ll be happy to help you with it.
             During moments  of great release,such as these, nurture yourself! Pamper yourself even. We are undergoing a difficult process, especially as Forerunners. It’s even harder for us. You who are reading this, are most likely a Forerunner. KUDOS! And keep going, you are doing great. Usually, after a breakdown, you are going to experience a breakthrough and you will reach a higher state of Joy, Balance and Inner Peace. You learn to cope differently with situations and challenges and it just gets easier.
        All the release up until now was to prepare you for the 10/10, 11/11 and 12/12 gateways.This week will be a big boost on the path for those who are ready for it. This 11/11 Portal is a Unity Consciousness Portal(aka Christ Consciousness).
            Some people will feel guided to a certain group, or certain individuals. This is because we are reuniting with our Soul Groups more and more and the 11/11 Unity Portal will set the stage for that. That doesn’t mean we’re not all working together for the same purpose(Ascension), it’s just that as I have said before in a previous post, there are different missions assigned to a different Soul Group or individual. All are Divinely Orchestrated by us and we call the inter-conectedness of those paths our Collective Reality.
     This is the same for twinflames and other 5D relationships. More twin flames/companions/soul mates will be reuniting, as we go through this Unity Portal as well. So, follow the signs, messages, dreams, visions, synchroncity and especially your Heart. It won’t ever lead you astray.
           Once again, we’re moving UP, collectively. After a period of cleansing, now, our bodies are able to hold even a greater amount of Light.  Many will  notice their Lightbodies being upgraded, some will notice their new chakra system being activated, it all depends on the individual’s path and choices. The energy of this 11/11 Portal will also assist people to experience multi-dimensionality even more consciously, as the layers of the illusion are being removed from within.
             All this, however, is a process, it won’t happen overnight. Make sure you keep  hydrated, so the energies can flow freely within your body. Water is a great conductor, now since the weather is colder and colder you might enjoy a hot cup of tea, I know I do. It’s calming and it’s a great tool to release stress within the body/mind.
Much Love,
Eddie ~ The Bridge to Freedom Crew Member
~ Click here for the Ascension Guidance and Energy Healing Sessions ~